REMINDER - Current Grants & Scholarships Opportunities
April 10, 2019
5 mins read
Don’t forget – CFVI currently has three funding opportunities available, two of which have an upcoming deadline of April 15th!
Higher Education Scholarships
CFVI’s scholarships are open to undergraduate as well as graduate students meet the following criteria requirements:
- Be a senior in or graduate of a US Virgin Islands high school (or a graduate of a high school outside of the Territory who can provide documentation that they transferred due to Hurricanes Irma and Maria)
- Provide proof of enrollment or admission:
- For Undergraduate scholarships: Be currently enrolled in or have applied for admission to an accredited four-year institution with a program leading to a Bachelor’s degree
- For Graduate scholarships: Be currently enrolled in or have applied for admission to an accredited institution with a program leading to an advanced degree (Master’s, Ph.D., JD, MD, etc.)
Deadline: Monday, April 15
For complete details visit https://cfvi.co/2019ScholarApp .
Applications must be submitted through CFVI’s online portal at: https://bit.ly/CFVIscholarship-grant-portal .
Project Safe Neighborhoods
CFVI is seeking proposals for initiatives that strive to combine law enforcement and community-driven approaches to develop and implement a strategies that address violent crime through coordinated enforcement, intervention, prevention, and reentry initiatives within the USVI District; to increase prosecution of the most violent offenders; and to focus on intervention efforts to prevent recidivism and further violence by juvenile and adult offenders.
Deadline: Monday, April 15
For complete details visit https://cfvi.co/PSN
Or go directly to submission page via CFVI’s online grant management portal at https://cfvi.co/CFVIGrantsPortal
Environmental Recovery Grants
CFVI is accepting proposals from 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization or registered and in good standing as a nonprofit with the VI Lt. Governor’s Office for projects and programs related to aspects of continued environmental recovery and enhancement for the USVI following the 2017 hurricanes. Specifically, projects engaged in the following categories are requested: (1) recycling and/or waste reduction; (2) native tree restoration. Due to specifications of the funding source, projects involving or benefiting minors (youth under age 18) are not eligible for funding.
Deadline: N/A (rolling review until further notice)
For complete details visit: https://cfvi.co/EPNews
or Submit your proposal here:
Questions about scholarships should be sent to kdelagarde@cfvi.net
Questions about grants should be sent to annas@cfvi.net