The Nature Conservancy
CFVI awarded a grant to The Nature Conservancy to help support large scale coral reef restoration efforts at the Coral Innovation Hub on St. Croix. Over 24,500 corals were planted across 50 acres of reef using advanced methods like micro-fragmentation, facilitated reproduction, and outplanting of diverse coral species genotypes. This increased effort was brought on by the 350 volunteer hours and knowledge exchanges with over 40 scientists. The team expanded habitats for ecologically, commercially, and recreationally important fisheries. Additionally, as of January 2024, the team has trained over 500 individuals, including local students, provided special tours of the facility, and conducted various outreach workshops for NOAA and government partners. The Nature Conservancy continues to monitor the onset of a Caribbean-wide mass coral bleaching due to extreme temperatures in the summer. Restoring these essential habitats are important ecologically and helps maintain the rich marine biodiversity in the Virgin Islands.