This week we wanted to share with gratitude a COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, showcasing the generosity of members

This week we wanted to share with gratitude a COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT, showcasing the generosity of members

August 23, 2019 / 5 mins read

CFVI was fortunate to have received a generous donation of children’s toys, clothing, and school supplies from the now-closed Sanrio store through owner Sandra Rivera. Her only request … to get the items to children in need. In order to make the donation possible, Luz Toro of VITECNO Diesel donated her truck to deliver the goods to the Foundation, with assistance from the brothers of Bailey’s Waste Management who donated their time to facilitate the complicated delivery to our office.

Recipients of the donated items included the Queen Louise Home for Children (with the assistance of Ian Williams and his team members at Ebenezer Gardens), VI Partners for Healthy Communities, and the Department of Human Services Infants and Toddlers Program.

The outpouring of love and generosity stemming from this donation has truly been an inspiration! Thank you to all those who played a role in facilitating these contributions!

Here are some photos of our journey receiving and distributing the items.


Items being delivered to dock to go to St. Croix

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